So I am an avid podcast listener so I can stay up to date with knowledge of running and triathlon news and training. I also listen to other podcasts to better me as a person (history) or Humor. I really appreciate the people that take time out of their day to produce these podcasts. Most if not all of them have full time jobs and it is their passion to produce these podcasts. One I was listening to today was Phedippidations, where he was mentioning that he receives a lot of "hate" mail. I am using the word hate very loosely, if you want he full explanation please listen to his latest podcast (Fdip223). Anyway, this is a podcast for him and his listeners, it is a free service and you actually need to make an effort to listen to him. My thoughts are if you have an issue, don't listen to him!! How dumb do you need to be say things like that. It is almost like telling a street artist or someone just doing something out of passion that they "suck". Get over yourself. Be proud that we have a culture that allows this amazing free media. If you have something bad to say, don't say it to someone that is doing a favor to the public, unless it hurts your living. A podcast doesn't, you have an off button.
I do listen to many others. I have listened to some that doesn't jive with that I want to listen to and all I do is STOP listening to them. One of these was Running With Ghosts, this is a great show and well produced. I listened to her for a while and I enjoyed it for a while. But her and I went separate ways so to speak. I have met a few of these podcasts. They are amazing people, with amazing "real" lives as well. Drop your favor podcaster an email and tell them they are doing a great job, I am sure they would appreciated it.
ESI Grips Review -
2 years ago