As I was watching the classic movie "Hook" with my family tonight I thought to myself what have all of us as adults forgot since we were kids? What have I forgot? What have I lost? In no means do I think I am or could have been Peter Pan.
However, what/who is Peter Pan? What does he stand for?
I think he stands for the kid that never grows up, has boundless energy, fearless, and a huge imagination right? Well this is where I tell you that I am "The Pan".
I think I am the grown up Robin Williams in that story. If you looked at me 4 years ago you would have seen a 220 pound, stressed out shell of a man. Far from a healthy roll model to my kids.
Then I found my happy thoughts. I can't really pin point the exact day or moment, but I can tell you that I needed the change. I knew I needed to make a difference for my kids so they could look up to me as high flying hero of a dad. Oddly I do wear tights now as you can see above in the picture of me playing around in the snow after a 14 miler.
I started with my food intake and I took a long hard look at what our family was eating. That overview of our diet was SAD. Literally S.A.D. "The Standard American Diet", consisting of pizza, beer, wings, burgers, fries, processed, genetically modified, pesticide full, cookie cutter food out of a factory and far from the dirt that it may have started at one point in time.
Once my diet was changed the path living a new healthy lifestyle began. Sparing you the details of what I eat which will be in a future post, I can say now I have that energy of a kid. I am that kid that never grows up, has boundless energy, fearless, and a huge imagination.
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