Monday, April 13, 2009

Spiced Up Information

Another passion for me is cooking. I find that many people cook but they almost do it mindless. I do have to admit I did until a few years ago. Lets take something as simple as water. Do you think water left out can get stale? If you think so please read on... if not then we need to work on your taste buds. From what I have found pretty much everything can get stale over time. Some may spoil, some my lose CO2... others just turn stale.

Now think of your spice rack, do you really think that an herb can keeps it's flavor forever? Now if it stays intact then I am sure it will last longer, such as a cinamon stick verses power. Anyway, how long do you think it was in a bin before it was canned and then in the warehouse before it arrived to the store? How long do you think it was on that rack before your house? Try to get fresh spices and herbs. Get adventurous and make your own spice creations. Don't use premade spice combo's... because salt is cheep and it's a good filler.

I have read that spices should only last 6 months after opening... 6 months!! Other places such as McCormick's website has a chart and it was anywhere from 1-4 years. So what I have been doing is dating my newly entering spices so I can clearly see when I bought it. Although if you have purchased something from McCormick use this link.. and it will tell you how old your spice is. Pretty cool I think!

One this that I like from the website should be the best way to determine if it is a good spice or not... "Rub or crush the herb or spice in your hand. If its aroma is weak and flavor is not apparent, then it's time to replace it." Because I know that prior to me caring about the flavor of my food, I was keeping mine for 5+ years.

Fresh air.

So this past weekend I was able to get out and see some greenery. I took a job through a park. Although I was in Michigan. Can you believe there was still some snow on the ground in Michigan? Anyway, I would suggest everyone to get out and smell the fresh air, Michigan or not the flowers are starting to bloom and the sun is starting to shine! I believe the cabin fever has set and we all need to open the doors that hold our comfort and warmth in from the cold winter and see that the sun is starting to come out. Our grass is turning green, my outdoor plants are wanting to bloom, while my indoor plants are wilting. Does that tell you anything?

Go outside. I don't know why but ever since I have had kids I enjoy the little things. The budding of a flower. The dew on the leaves early in the morning.

Friday, April 10, 2009


In the past I did not belive I could run. I was a swimmer all of my life and for some reason whenever I ran I got the worst shin splints. Now I can run. Yesterday I ran a 5K! Pretty cool huh? So if you are out of shape and you are looking into getting a regular routine? Why not run. It is prety much free. You may surprize yourself... I did!

Opening Blog

This is my first blog that has nothing to do with my other blog. I wanted free range to say what I wanted to say. I am sure most of the time this will be rather boring, we'll see. Some people may ask who am I to have a word? I am no one... I am just a guy from Ohio.